Country code Vanuatu
Flag | Continent | Country Code | Code | Country | Iso |
Oceania | Country Code 678 | VU/VUT | Country Code Vanuatu | ISO 3166-2:VU |
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Calling the Vanuatu
How to call ?
- +678 - Country Code for the Vanuatu
- Local area code
- Local phone number
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Vanuatu City Area Codes
City | Country code | Area code | Flag | Country | Code | State | State name | |
1. | Banks | +678 | 385 | Vanuatu | VU | |||
2. | Efate | +678 | 23 | Vanuatu | VU | |||
3. | Epi | +678 | 24 | Vanuatu | VU | |||
4. | Luganville | +678 | 36 | Vanuatu | VU | |||
5. | Maewo | +678 | 383 | Vanuatu | VU | |||
6. | Malekula | +678 | 484 | Vanuatu | VU | |||
7. | Port Vila | +678 | 22 | Vanuatu | VU | |||
8. | Shepherds | +678 | 282 | Vanuatu | VU | |||
9. | Tanna | +678 | 686 | Vanuatu | VU |
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- which country code is Vanuatu
- Area code +678 Vanuatu
- Country code +678 Vanuatu
- Dialling code +678 Vanuatu
- Telephone code +678 Vanuatu
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- Iso Country
- International calling codes